Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Your Online Math Textbook!

You can access your math textbook online. Click the link below:

Student Username:  ccsd(student ID). Your student ID is the number you use to log in on the computer.

Password: cobbmath1

Harcourt Math Online Textbook

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

2017-2018 Specials Schedule

Monday- PE (wear sneakers)
Tuesday- Music
Wednesday- PE (wear sneakers)
Thursday- Art
Friday- Rotate. See Mrs. Greenwald's Greetings, our weekly newsletter, to find out our Friday specials.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Career Awareness!

Keheley families – we need your help!
Each spring we teach Career Awareness to our 1st through 5th grade students. It is an opportunity for them to learn about a variety of occupations from Georgia’s 17 Career Clusters.  We are working on a hallway display again this year that will reinforce the Career Clusters that our students are learning about. In order to help us bring this display to life, please consider sending in a photo of you working at your job. Please include your name, your child’s name, teacher’s name and the name of the Career Cluster in which you work. This information could be written on the back of the photo or included in an envelope on a slip of paper.  You can also email your photo and information to us!

Georgia’s 17 Career Clusters are as follows, and the grade in which they are taught is in parentheses:

--Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources (1st)           --Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics (1st)
--Law, Public Safety, and Security (1st)                      --Arts, A/V Technology, and Communications (2nd)
--Health Science (2nd)                                                --Education and Training (2nd)
--Hospitality and Tourism (3rd)                                   --Human Services (3rd)
--Energy (3rd)                                                             --STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, &
                                                                                                           Mathematics)  (4th)
--Manufacturing (4th)                                                 -- Architecture and Construction (4th)
--Business Management and Administration (4th)       --Finance (5th)                                                                       
--Marketing (5th)                                                        --Information Technology (5th)
--Government and Public Administration (5th)

Thank you in advance for helping us to help our students make real-life connections to the world of work!

Lori Armbruster & Dawn Haskett,  School Counselors