Sunday, December 4, 2016

Warmth for Winter!

Warmth for Winter
December 5-16th
·    We will be collecting NEW hats, scarves, mittens, gloves & socks.
·    Please bring the new items to Keheley’s front atrium.
·    These warm items will be donated to local families.Thank you for helping our community!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving! We Need Your Help!

Thanksgiving Food Drive
November 7-15

We will be collecting non-perishable food items to benefit local families. Please support this very special project. All items should be dropped off on the café stage. Some of the items needed for the families are as follows:

*Grocery Store Gift Certificates (drop off in the front office)
Cereal                                          Rice                 
Canned Vegetables                   Pasta
Cranberry Sauce                        Canned Yams                              
Boxed Stuffing                            Boxed Mashed Potatoes
Canned soup                               Canned fruit          
Canned beans                             Gravy

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Subject and Predicate Games!

We are learning about Subjects and Predicates. Practice with these fun games.

Subject and Predicate Games


Our class is now using Raz-Kids. This website is great. Your child can log on with their own personal log in. They can read leveled books, and take comprehension quizzes. Be sure to log on daily!


Sunday, August 28, 2016

Cougarthon Pep Rally!

Information was sent home in your child's bag on Friday. This is our only fundraiser. We are looking to raise $40,000 to hire a Stem Lab Science teacher. Be sure to get your child registered on Here are pictures from the Cougarthon Pep Rally.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

First in Math is Back!

Third graders at Keheley have been given their First in Math login. Please check your child's agenda for their unique username and password. This is an excellent resource for children to practice math skills taught in class.

First in Math