Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Communication is Key!

Communication is key to your child's success in school. I will use several methods to communicate with you on a regular basis.
  •  Mrs. Greenwald's Greetings- You will receive this weekly newsletter at the beginning of each week. This newsletter will let you know about our week's learning standards as well as important dates. Please look for this in your child's take home folder.
  • Weekly Behavior Sheets - Weekly Behavior Sheets will be sent home every Tuesday. These will let you know about your child's academic and behavioral successes and concerns.
  • Class Dojo- Our class is using the app Class Dojo to encourage positive behavior in school. Please load this app on your phone, and follow the instructions you received at Open House.
  • Remind- Please text the information you received at Open House to receive text message updates from me.
I can always be reached via e-mail or phone if you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to working with you this school year!